
Sunday, March 06, 2005

Have u ever reached a stage where the war within you so intensifies? A stage where you are pissed at yourself? You so much wanted to do something and you thought you've done it all. But the fact you moved without taking a single step. That is, your feelings only. Your mind. On one hand, you so much want to do this. Get it done with! The other hand, refrains and hides. Refusing to even lay itself on the matter. Then this war wage and you feel torn apart. Suddenly, the world is against you. Suddenly no thing is fair to you at all anymore. You feel cheated, you feel betrayed and you feel left out. Yet in the real, nothing is happening other than this wrecked spirit of yours. You can curse all you want and you can blame anything in your path. You are wasted. Understand? Face it. You are not what the society says you should be. Sorry. You fail ass and forget about being thw world. Cos you cannot. You are just not up to it. Buzz off u fly. Wanna succeed? Go be like this, like him, like her. Dun come back if u can't. If it is, then hide in that corner can carry on with your life as a fiddler. Live that unglam and only hope to envy. Too bad. Just too bad. But hey sorry, dude, I am giving up. Enough of this shit. I get my own life now. No because I am not worth it. But because you dun even care a shoots about me. Not because I have fail, but i think I can do better without you!


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