As you all know, SMU is proudly situated in the new city campus in Bras Basah. Nice place, nice shopping centres and most of all, MRT stations. But I am not really too glad, cause I have lost my ability to drive to school. Yes, I drive a Kangaroo but cannot afford to pay the parking. Irony right? Yup. So I am reverting back to the good old ways of standing on buses and Mrts. Long gone are the days of driving friends around and doing logistics etc. Got good and got bad la. But the choice is for us to make the best out of it. Now I can spend time with friends going shopping or to build friendship while walking around etc. =)oh did i mention, I've passed my IPPT but there is no monetory reward. I took it in SAFRA. The place is AIR-CON!!!! woohoo....and i run on the track while watching TV and listening to radio...with the instructoe constantly giving us moral support!!!! my timing was about 12min 07sec!!! Wah!!!!
Sunday was rehearsal for Xtreme Teens Church. The band consisted of Ben and Kenny on Guitars. Lindon on bass. Nigel on vocals and me on drums!!! Wah we are best man!!! The music rocks!!!! I totally love this band setup. I am seriously considering moving on to drums from keys!
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