I would like to issue a public apology to all who had arrived at this award-winning blog but found nothing new or interesting to read. Let me offer my explaination:
- I was lazy - logging in seemed such a chore
- I was spending time with real humans in physical space
- I had no inspiration
Anyway today is a sad day. One of my CD-Pro 2 member (Alex-san) is inside a hospital now. Right now, he should be asleep while men in white poke him with surgical equipments. However I do not worry. Afterall, he is not recieving the treatment that people get when they are visited by "Syler". [Those who watch the award-winning HEROES wil know... basically he extracts your brains while you are alife] I do not forsee Alex-san being digged of his brains. He is mainly going through a knee operation thats all.
Life after SMU is supposed to be good. After all, I do not need to use the word 'meeting' too often. Where are you going? Meeting. Want to lunch? Meeting. Not going home? Meeting. Why are they calling you? Meeting. Why are you taking away food? Meeting. Why are you breaking up with me? Meeting. Why are you crying? Meeting. Why did you turn homosexual? Meeting. Well, thats the rant of all SMU peeps I suppose.
Life as a Year 4 was tough. I had so little friends. Thankfully, I had the following people whom I love and are still my bestest of buddies in SMU:
- Alex-san (the one in SGH now)
- Yuhong Gumpy-San (I ate his brain, and I can play like him)
- Fiona-san (my bestest of female friend... and yes she has curves)
- Bernade-san (the man who has a hotbod but shows it only to guys in the gym... he is a understatement to himself... he can easily have a GF, but of course we can use this excuse "Waiting for the right one"
- Emily-san (needs no explaination... call me out for coffee and I will share with you)
Anyway, Bernade-san and Alex-san are now fervant christians. Bernade-san is in a humble family church and Alex-san in the ever New Creation Church at Suntec City. They are testimonies to the power of God. They used to despise my faith and make fun of God in my presence. Now they join me in the battle to win our friends for Christ. I forsee the next is Yuhong-Gumpy and Fiona-san coming to know Christ. Now the battle is which church will they follow: Mine, or Alex's or Bernade's.
Oh yah, myself, alex, Bern and Gumpy recently stumbled across this very fun game called Blokus (www.blokus.com). It bonded us, but at times, created unhappiness. This is what happens when you put 4 ego-centric guys who are musicians in a situation where they play with blocks like little kiddies.
Did I mention my brother just bought a new Lexus? Got the rare few chances to drive it because my brother uses it for work and I only use it during off-peak time... LOL. It is a piece of driving machine. Anyway, i think it is a 2.5L petrol guzzling piece of metal. But it sure makes the girls turn their heads. (Are all Singa-gals that shallow?... I can dedicate an entire entry to this) 
Anyway again, I recently played golf with my potential father-in-law. I hate this theory which is really true:
- My balls fly like the wind when he is playing his own game.
- When he walks over to observe me and it is my ultimate opportunity to impress: My balls shrinks and shoots with little vigour. Ouch.
- However, he entrusts me with his Camry (punt-intended, ask me about it), which is an act of approval. Scored brownie points!
Wow! I can really blog. Just look at the amount I wrote! Anyway I am hungry like a begger now. I need to replenish myself.
I hope that readers will accept this entry as an act of apology. I seriously hope you all can leave a token of accpetance by TAGGING ME!
HOLY-SMOKE! THE TRUTH IS OUT! I must mention this to dis-prove the allegations against me in yuhong's blog(http://www.xanga.com/bigfatgump). This was what YH mentioned about me:
2. Jorg Dietzel - AdvertisingYes.It's Jorg Dietzel. The man who
found this blog and caught me describing him as "gay-looking". The man who gave
me a course grade of B-plus, which really looked five levels beyond impossibly
nonsensical because Daniel was my project mate for both our term projects (so we
received identical project grades), scored a half-mark lower than I did in our
mid-term, skipped 1 more class than I did, and he got an A-minus. The man who
refused to revise my grade despite me telling him exactly what I wrote in the
previous sentence. I can hear myself screaming already... "And this is my number
2??? Whyyyyyyy???"Because he signed my birthday card.
Yuhong got a lower grade than me because he was speaking with his ass while I was speaking with my brain and mouth. This is the truth. My friend from his 3A class mentioned that he explained this today in class that yh can blog but did not talk in class while i did! YH this is SMU! We are SUPPOSED TO TALK TO SCORE!!!
Prof Jorg, are you reading this? Back me up! YH deserved a lower grade than me because he deserved it and I earned it! Say something prof (do you still visit my blog?)